Coaching Testimonial
“Dorina is upbeat and is very positive. I loved the monversation classes because I got to look at my life holistically and then focus down on the areas that I really wanted to improve. I found that the sessions were a pleasurable experience. The sessions provided lots of positive reinforcement and a framework to help me identify the changes I wanted to make. In summary they have enabled me to transform my life and I will be forever grateful”
“Dorina on ihminen jota ihailen ja kunnioitan suuresti. Epäilin aluksi että noinkohan jutteleminen pelkästään auttaisi ongelmieni kanssa ja oli ihanaa olla väärässä. Dorinalla on kokemusta elämästä asioista, jotka olisivat lannistaneet jo monet. Siksi Dorina osasi auttaa juuri siinä että moni ongelma sai ratkaisun pelkällä näkökulman muutoksella. Ja muutama asia oikeasti selvisi Dorinan antamien tehtävien avulla. Älä epäröi ottaa yhteyttä - saat taatusti ammattitaitoisen ja sympaattisen neuvoja. ”
“My life was all figured out, or so I thought...until I started my Monversation going. This is when I realised how little I knew about myself, what I wanted or even where I was heading. The Monversation sessions have been an eye opener and within weeks, I applied what I learnt and saw ASTOUNDING results!!! The one on one sessions, albeit virtually, have turned my life around, given me hope for my future and a Thank You isn’t even close to the gratitude I feel. I will be sure to keep the Monversation going! Much love and light! Namaste 🙏
How i work
I offer group coaching via 30 Day Challenges and 1to1 coaching. Contact me for enrollment details